My english task to write a essay about future "Nasohi Goals in the Future"

Nasohi Goals in the Future
Nasohi Ciptandani

My Name is Nasohi Ciptandani,  I am a student of Binus University, majoring computer science. In the future about 10 years, I have set some goals. Some of these goals are to build an IT company like Linux, Microsoft or Cisco. I have also personal goals, such as a house, hobby, and family. So, in this essay, I am going to tell you about my future plans.

First, This is my professional goals, I would like to invite my friends as a business partner,  to invite investors as well to build an IT company together, it is not easy, but I have trusted my goals, if I study hard and smart, active in college organizations with my friends, become laboratory assistant, seek work experience to get skills and achievements, I will interest investors. My company will be producing network devices, computer devices, operating system,  internet service and any kind of software as well. I hope my company can make Indonesia has autonomy in the field of IT,  at least Indonesia doesn’t always depend on some foreign software applications or devices then Indonesia can make new technology that will be known whole global citizens.

Second, This is my personal goals, I would like to have a comfortable house with an extensive garden and then get married with a virgin girl who loves me, understands me, and I also love her with all my soul, from that marriage, I would like to have a son and a daughter as well. Make my family happiness in our house.  My hobbies are gardening, reading and doing research. I would like to have a library and a laboratory in my house.

Finally, I have set goals, so I just do what should I do, In this world, I hope myself  can useful for my parents, my wife,  my family, religion, and nation, and I also not forget to always pray to God, this is my favorite quotes “At your goals, God will give His Best if you give your full trust to Him”. I trust my goals will come true  or God will give His best goals for me.


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