Work Task Remote Desktop Services

Work Task:

▪ Install Remote Desktop Services
- Do not install RD Licensing component
▪ Configure web-access for terminal services
▪ The RDS login page should be accessible by entering the url
▪ Make sure only users RDS_user1 and RDS_user2 are able to login via RDP
▪ Publish Wordpad on the web-portal of RemoteApp for the domain user “RDS_user1”
▪ Publish Calculator on the web-portal of RemoteApp for the domain users “RDS_user2”


1. RDS - connection open browser, try to access,

Yang perlu diperhatikan:
    1. Karena by default masih,  untuk akses menggunakan URL perlu konfigurasi di IIS, lihat screencast dibawah.

    2. Karena di Work Task belum ada instruksi no certificate warning maka tidak apa-apa, jika di work task terdapat no certificate warning maka perlu certificate yang di signed oleh server CA dan trusted di semua PC anggota domain.

2. RDS - authentication try to login with RDS_user1 or RDS_user2 and login successfully

3. RDS - Remote App     try to login with RDS_user1 or RDS_user2 and appear the appropriate app.



Nasohi Ciptandani mengatakan…

install RDS, add roles langsung melalui RDS setup -> quick start

tambahkan RDS gateway

buat cert di CA pakai template web server bisa di export ke pfx

RDS gateway pakai existing certicate dengan import pfx

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