Parsing Json in Golang
[]Json array ---->[]Byte array ----> Struct
Syntax: func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
// Golang program to illustrate the
// concept of parsing JSON to an array
package main
import (
// declaring a struct
type Competitors struct {
// defining struct variables
Username string
School string
Online bool
Score int
// main function
func main() {
// defining a struct instance
var competitors []Competitors
// JSON array to be decoded
// to an array in golang
Data := []byte(`
{"username": "competitor1", "school": "SMK Swasta 1", "online": true, "score": 987},
{"username": "competitor2", "school": "SMK Negeri 7", "online": false, "score": 432},
{"username": "competitor3", "school": "SMK Swasta 2", "online": false, "score": 321},
{"username": "competitor4", "school": "SMK Negeri 10", "online": true, "score": 654}
// decoding JSON array to
// the country array
err := json.Unmarshal(Data, &competitors)
if err != nil {
// if error is not nil
// print error
// printing decoded array
// values one by one
for i := range competitors {
fmt.Printf("%s - %s - %t - %d \n",
competitors[i].Username, competitors[i].School, competitors[i].Online, competitors[i].Score)
References: How to Parse JSON in Golang? - GeeksforGeeks